Looking for a place to grow your business? You found it!!
Perham EDA will help you locate a suitable site either within the Perham community or the Perham Industrial Park.
Not only is the business climate good, Perham is a GREAT place to live:
One of the best school systems in the state
Top-notch hospital facilities, including 15 local medical providers, plus a variety of outreach specialists
Large assortment of churches
66,000 SF community center
27-hole municipal golf course
Approximately 45 lakes within 10 miles
With a $2.5 million revolving loan fund, the EDA can provide Gap Financing to assure a complete and appropriate financing to allow your business to develop and grow. We will also assist you with JOBZ (Job Opportunity Building Zones) Tax Increment Financing, Industrial Park sites and related infrastructure including municipal natural gas, water, sewer.
40 acres of Industrial Park Sites from one-half acre to five acres are available for development.
A state of the art telecommunication system is provided by Arvig Communications Systems. Electrical energy is provided by Otter Tail Power Company.
The seven EDA commissioners meet monthly or more often as required.
For additional information or inquiries, email EDA Director Kevin Keil: kkeil@cityofperham.com.
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