Field Elevation: 1371 msl
Sectional Chart: "Twin Cities" or L-10
Coordinates: N46-36.24, W095-36.36
2 miles NW of Perham on County Road 80
Communication: CTAF 122.9
Nav Aids: DTL 111.2 134 17.6
Traffic Pattern Altitude for propeller driven craft: 2200 msl
Runway Data
Lights PCL
Runway 4100’ x 75’ Hard Surface
Standard Left Hand Traffic
Other Information
Fuel: 100LL (24 hr. automated)
Tie Downs Available
Hangar Rentals
Computer Weather Available
Airport Master Plan
The City of Perham's Airport Master Plan for the Perham Municipal Airport was completed January 2021. The Airport Master Plan serves as a guide for future development to accommodate existing and future aviation demands through the next 20 years. An effective plan will be flexible to meet demand and feasible by being cost-effective.
Airports are encouraged to periodically update their airport planning as conditions change. Prior to this planning process, the most recent Airport Layout Plan (ALP) was completed in 1981 which proposed constructing a paved runway and relocating the building area midfield between the new runway and the county highway. The work from that ALP was completed in 1992 and is what exists today. This Airport Master Plan is broader than just a set of ALP drawings and this is the first study of its kind for the airport.
Please see the full Perham Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan below.