
Natural Gas
Perham Natural Gas has been providing natural gas service since 1960. Perham Natural Gas provides reliable, clean and safe distribution of natural gas to residential, commercial and industrial customers. Natural gas is today’s environmental energy choice and Perham Natural Gas has taken strides to extend gas service to an increasing customer base. In 1996 the gas service area was extended south around Otter Tail Lake and the City of Ottertail, and north around Little Pine and Big Pine Lakes. We currently serve over 3,000 customers in and around the City of Perham. To learn more about our natural gas system click here.

The Public Works Department maintains the City’s water system. The system has seven wells from which to pump water. The wells vary in depth from 80-105 feet and are located in three different areas of town. They are located in Arvig Park off of County Road #8 north, the central area of town near the public library, and on the south side of town by Heart of the Lakes Elementary School on 2nd Ave. SW.  There are two water towers that hold 1,500,000 gallons to serve the city.  The towers are located with a 500,000 gallon tower on the south end of the city and the 1,000,000 gallon tower on the north side of the city.  To learn more about our water system click here.

The Public Works Department maintains the City’s Wastewater system. The system has eight lift stations throughout the city. Seven of these are located at various areas in the city to pump the wastewater to the main lift station through 21 miles of sanitary sewer lines. These seven lift stations are located at the following areas: the Shopko store, 8th Avenue NE by the railroad tracks, King Street, 12th Street NW and 6th Avenue NW, Kraus Park, 7th Street SW by the Apartment Complex, and in the East park Addition. The main lift station is located at the East Otter Tail County Fairgrounds.  Click here to learn more about our wastewater system.

We encourage every household to become involved in helping find ways to reduce our garbage. Everything you recycle counts! As you develop a routine in your daily life, you’ll discover that it is easy to reduce your garbage volume, and thus the dollars spent on garbage hauling, by 50% or more.  To learn more about our recycling service and items accepted click here.

The following company provides garbage collection within the City of Perham, Steve’s Sanitation (218) 346-4834.